Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Upload (Insert) Resume (word document) to SQL Server Table

SQL Server's VARBINARY datatype allows us store BLOB data like Images, word documents etc., Lets see how that works with an example:

1.Create Table:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Consultants
ConsultantName VARCHAR(50),

Once we have the table created, lets insert a resume located in some folder (D:\Steve_Resume.docx) into the table.

2. Query:
INSERT INTO dbo.Consultants (ConsultantName, ResumeDoc)
SELECT 'Steve', * FROM OPENROWSET (BULK N'D:\Steve_Resume.docx', SINGLE_BLOB) Doc

3. Check the Output:
SELECT ID, ConsultantName, ResumeDoc FROM dbo.Consultants

Hope this helps! Happy TSQLing !
Important: I will discuss how to extract the Resume from the SQL Server Table back to a windows folder location in the next post.

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